
Medicine Treatment For Spinal Cord Injury

Each year around 12,000 people in the United States suffer a spinal cord injury. The medical costs of a spinal cord injury can be staggering. The costs depend on the severity of the injury and the length of stay in the hospital and rehab.
An average hospital stay for SCI is around 12 days and the average inpatient rehabilitation stay is around 37 days. Because of medical improvements these figures are much lower than the rates in the early 1970s, when a rehab stay for SCI was often longer than 90 days.
Expenses for an SCI include: initial hospitalization, rehabilitation, and most likely the continuing need for a caregiver and medical care. A person who suffers high tetraplegia, the most severe form of SCI, may acquire medical expenses of over $800,000 in the first year after the injury. If this person is 25 years old or younger their medical expenses may mount up to over $3 million over their lifetime. People 50 years old or older at the time of a severe SCI may expect medical expenses of over $1.8 million over the course of their lifetime. SCI survivors with less disabling injuries face lower, but still hefty medical bills.
Insurance which may cover Spinal cord injury
If you or a family member has suffered a spinal cord injury the insurance company of the party responsible for the accident which caused your injury or your insurance may pay some of your medical bills. The amount of coverage depends on the policy and on the circumstances of the accident. Often, the insurance company of the party responsible for the injury will not pay a sufficient amount of damages for the injury; this makes it vital to obtain advice from an experienced brain injury attorney. Lawyers experienced in advocating for SCI survivors know how to get just financial compensation for you.
Health and Accident Insurance

These policies vary considerably. Some only pay only for injuries from accidents and natural disasters; others offer more coverage, including, routine doctor visits and annual physicals, as well as coverage for tests, and hospital stays for illness and injuries. Insurance polices are usually written in complicated legal terms, making them difficult to understand; talk with someone from your insurance company when an accident occurs so that you know what they will cover. Homeowner’s insurance may offer some coverage when an accident which results in a spinal cord injury occurs at home; this insurance also generally offers some coverage when someone else is injured in your home. About 26 percent of spinal cord injuries are the result of falls and many falls occur at home.



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