
C1-C7 Level of Spinal Cord Injury

C-1 to C-3:
An injury that occurs in the C-1 to C-3 area results in limited movement of the head and neck, with paralysis below that region. In many cases, survivors of C-1 to C-3 injuries have difficulty talking, and require the use of a ventilator to breathe.
Spinal Cord Injury
C-3 to C-4:
Survivors with C-3 to C-4 injuries have head and neck movement, as well as some limited shoulder movement. They are typically able to talk, and can eventually adjust to breathing without a ventilator.
People with spinal cord injuries that occur at the C-5 level often have head, neck, and shoulder control, and can bend the elbows and rotate the hands. This is the level at which self-care and management becomes possible. Survivors with C-5 injuries are usually able to push their own wheelchairs, and can also be taught to drive a car with adaptive equipment.
C-6 to C-7:

Survivors with injuries at the C-6 to C-7 levels can move their heads, necks, shoulders, arms, and wrists. They can also bend the elbows, extend the wrists, and rotate their hands. Most self-care is possible for people who fall into this category, as is driving, managing a manual wheelchair, and housekeeping.



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